Saturday 16 October 2010

NEW script

This is our latest update on our script. We have drawn inspiration from various media texts such as 'The Office' and 'Curb your enthusiasm'.

int. Bedroom 10.00am

Alarm "beeps"
Dick wakes up, gets out of bed and puts a tracksuit on.

int. house 10.35am

Dick goes down stairs, looks at a note on the fridge.
"out for the weekend on business. have a good birthday. I will make it up to you, Dad"
Dick takes the note off the fridge and it uncovers a board that shows his list of things to do during the day. it reads "1. walk dogs. 2. call friends for birthday.
Dick then tiredly opens the fridge, picks up the milk. looks at the expiry date and smells it and throws it away.

int. shop 11.40am

he gets milk from fridge, walks to the card section. stops, picks up a card. shot of him standing alone in the shop staring down at a card he has picked up. sound of the card playing a happy birthday tune. puts it down and pays for milk and leaves.


Dick anxiously plays fifa. He gets beaten badly
commentator V/O
and he's lost it!
(recorded commentators show this). he throws the controller onto his sofa and decides to have lunch.
int. kitchen
decides to have a microwave lunch, grabs a pakaged lunch and shoves it in the microwave. halfway through cooking it blows up. now Dick cannot eat.


Dick exitedly tries to call his friend to try and get them to come to his house for his birthday.
Friend 1 V/O
sorry cant come the the phone right now, leave a message and call back later.
V/O plays as he is leaving to walk the dogs.

ext. waiting outside dog owners house 2.15pm

Dick rings the doorbell. the door swings open, camera goes low and you see the dog run out and a pair of giant bunny slippers waiting at the door.
old woman
make sure you take care of him

ext. walking dog 2.30pm

Dick is walking the dog in the park. he spots a girl on the other path. he starts looking interestedly at her. as he smiles he walks into a lap post. cuts back to the girl walking off and giggling.
the dog then stops and does a poo. but he forgot to bring carrier bags so he doesn't know what to do. then it plays one of Dicks ideas of what to do. 1. he kicks it away and it hits someone 2. looks around and runs off 3. he steps in it. in the end he finds a stick. tries to pick it up. it doesn't work so he runs away.
EXT. WAITING OUTSIDE dog owners HOUSE 3.00pm
Dick walks up to the front door and it opens, he hands back the dog and the woman is still in her bunny slippers.
did he do any poos?
he then walks through the front garden and leaves through the gate.

EXT. walking to the shop 3.15pm

Dick is on his way home still looking depressed and fed up. he is walking past a car wash. as soon as he walks round the corner a man throws a bucket of water all over him.
oh sorry mate!

INT. SHOP 3.20pm

Dick walks into the shop with a clear intention. He buys a porn magazine and tissues. the audience do not see what he buys. he feels that he will be alone on his birthday...

ext/int. house 4.00pm

Dick arrives home. a sight of relief for him. he opens the door and walks into the hallway with magazine and tissues in hand. as he looks looks up and the lights turn on. All of Dick's friends are waiting for him in his house and he is caught.

shot of him from his friends POV of him looking very surprised/very embarrassed. over the shoulder shot all of his friends and their reactions to what he has come home with.

fade to black.

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