Tuesday 12 October 2010

New scene list

 This is our new scene list. We looked over our story and decided we needed to change our story and make a more rounded narrative about our character. We came up with the idea of having a tragic comedy about our character.

Scene 1.

Wakes up gets out of bed puts on a tracksuit.

Scene 2.

Goes down stairs looks at note on fridge saying his dad is out on business (out for the weekend again. sorry)
opens fridge gets milk smells it, it smells disgusting.

Scene 3.

Goes out to get milk. walks past the card section and picks up a card. shot with open framing, him standing alone looking down at the card with the music playing.

Scene 4.

Cuts to him later in the day playing fifa, gets beaten badly (commentaters voice over saying how badly he is doing), throws the controller on the sofa then decides to have a microwave lunch by himself, puts ..... in the microwave and it explodes so he cant eat.

Scene 5.

Trying to call his friends to get them to come to his house for his birthday but it keeps getting to there anwser phones. leaves for his job as a dog walker, as he is out he keeps getting to his friends happy answer phone messages in the backround of the action. the dog does a poo, he doesnt have any carrier bags, he does know what to do, he 1.covers it up 2.kicks it away 3.runs away and someone steps in it 4.he steps in it

Scene 6.

Then starts journey home, drops the dog off at the owners house the owner runs out of the house and shouts "how nice to see you!" but she goes for the dog over him, takes the dog and slams the door and he walks off. after he goes past a man washing a car. as he walks past the man throws the whole bucket of water over him. stops at the same corner shop as before, buys a porn magazine (the audience dont know its porn)  and some tissues, because he feels he will be alone for his birthday. 

Scene 7.

Arrives home, opens the door, walks into the main room with the magazine and tissue in hand, then he is caught by all of his friends who have been waiting for his birthday party. over the shoulder shot of him facing his frineds. cut to him holding up the porn and tissues. cut to black

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