Friday 24 September 2010

My favourite directors

1. Ridley Scott-Alien (1979)

Ridley Scott is on of my favorite directors because he makes films that I like and watch. Alien is one of my favorite films because I am very into horror films and the way they can scare/make the audience react in a certain way to them. I think that it is very hard to make a good horror film with all of the films today like Saw. You cant tell because they all have to keep up with one another and no one really makes horror film like they used to, its all gorenographys today.

2. Edgor Wright-Shaun Of The Dead (2004)

The reason why I like Edgor Wright is because he makes comdeys with very good writers and plays with the conventions of eg. zombie or cop action films.

3.Alfred Hitchcock- Rear Window (1954)

I really like Alfred Hitchcock films and i would have to agree that he is the master of suspense. I think Rear Window is one of his best films he made. I love the idea that a man just watching his neighbours uncovers a man who has murdered his wife.

1 comment:

  1. The following is what needs to be done to improve your blog:
    1. Directors section; 2 sentences on why you like these directors and why those are your favourite films?
    2. Story analysis, why do you like these stories?
    3. Film styles need to be grouped together.
    4. 'Lucky' analysis very good, all others should be like this, but also include an analysis of mise-en-scene.
    Please find me if you need any extra help or if any of this is unclear.
