Monday 20 September 2010

Short film research

This is a short film i found and is a very good example of binary opposites. Instead of man fishing for the fish, the fish is fishing for man. The mise-en-scene of the short tells something about the nature of the film. If it was all bright and strong colours then it would be a very different film. Also from the low angles that it is shot is gives the audience the feel like we are watching him, like the fish is, and it makes the character feel more alone on the beach.

This short film is about a man who is reflecting on the good and bad times of his relationship. This short film is made up of all flashbacks the man is having then cross cuts back to the present day and his reaction to the memory. This is very clever because we build an idea of the couple in our minds about what the memories are of and why they happen. We are taken on a trip through the relationship and are made to sympathize with both characters depending on what happens in the flashbacks. But finally we are made to sympathize with the man because his girlfriend dumps him. This is a website that I have gone through and looked at short stories similar to what we would like to achieve and just to brainstorm some ideas on what we would like to do.

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