Tuesday 2 November 2010

Music (youtube playlist)

This is a play list I made on youtube to show our music. The type of music this is, is conventional to the genre we are working in and the songs are for different times in the film depending on what happens in the film. For example if the character is feeling bad then we will have music to mirror his mood and when the film is at a high point we will have music for that too.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Franklin, these are the changes that need to be made to your blog:
    1. Short film analysis, please add 'She loves me, she loves me not'. Probably best if you add it to one of the older short film analysis entries, just so they are grouped together.
    2. Audience research, identify the target audience for your film by looking at what the genre and content of your film are.
    3. Ensure that all the script drafts and scene lists are being uploaded to the blog.
    4. Resize the 'Inbetweeners' embed so that it fits within the blog margins.
    If anything is unclear please come and see me.
