Tuesday 23 November 2010

New film ideas

This short film I found on BBC short films and it has a scene exactly like we were thinking of having in our film. The scene is from 27seconds-40seconds.

This is another short film that I have got an idea from. The idea of a boy/man being alone in a house and he gets a strange phone call then someone walks in on him.

Thursday 18 November 2010

location photos

These are our location pictures, one character mood board and an aerial plan of our first set of shots.
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storybords and shot list

These are our finished storyboards we have stuck up in our booth to make it easy to see what work we have done

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Our production booth

This is our production booth and i have taken this picture straight from my phone and uploaded onto this blog.
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Monday 15 November 2010

Audience Research

Our target audience for our short film is 16-24. This is part of the main cinema going audience and the sort of themes in our film is relevant to this age group. Also the type of humour would be suitable for the age group.

I think our film would target a smilier audience to that of 'The Inbetweeners'. We have this because the type of humour and themes are similar and so are the characters. We have done mood boards and used characters from 'The Inbetweeners'.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Music (youtube playlist)

This is a play list I made on youtube to show our music. The type of music this is, is conventional to the genre we are working in and the songs are for different times in the film depending on what happens in the film. For example if the character is feeling bad then we will have music to mirror his mood and when the film is at a high point we will have music for that too.