Tuesday 3 May 2011

Finished Poster

This is our finished poster done by Ed. As you can see we worked on all the drafts and mock ups that we did. As a group we decided how it would look. We also used a common feature of posters which is using the same font.This means the audience will recognize our film because of that font. We also chose to use the bright orange background because of the research we did and we found that it was common our genre of film. 

Finished magazine article

This is a screenshot from indesgin of our finished magazine. There might be slight changes to some of the writing and gramma but the layout and desgin of this in final. As you can see I took elements like the big picture from empire magazine and the credits box from Sight and Sound. This was because I didnt want to make a magazine exactly like one that has already been made. I thought that using both elements would make it much better overall because then I could put in the things I wanted, as well as what the readers want.

Magazine article research

This is from the magazine Sight and Sound. We looked at this and Empire Magazine (below) to decide what style and what elements of the magazines to use.
This is the Empire magazine that we looked at. We compared both of the magazines and took elements from both. Such as the big picture and the verdict box, from Empire, and the cast and crew list and the synopsis box from Sight and Sound.

These pictures show my analysis of the two magazine articles I did during class. In this I pointed out all of the elements they both used and this made it much easier to decide which techniques to use in my magazine.