Sunday 27 March 2011

Planning: Call sheet and Week shooting plan

This is our groups call sheet. This was also created very easily on Celtx and was also given to all the members of our group. This was very important for organisation for all of us.

This is the outline for shooting in week we were going to shoot in. It tells us what days we are shooting certain scenes. This is very important because it shows us who needs to bring what. For example props that are needed on specific days.

Planning: Shooting schedule and scene summary

These sheets are the shooting schedule and scenes summary that we created on Celtx. This was a very easy program to use and these sheets were given to every member of our group so we all knew what was happening when.

Planning: Planning around our lessons

This is a list of the lessons that we would miss for our filming that we created for our teachers for media and other lessons.

Updated shot list


This is an anamatic that we created for our storybord. [Click to view]

Poster: First, second and third draft

This was a very rough outline of what we wanted our poster to be like. After this we thought more about it and adapted it to a better version:

This is the better copy of the draft of our poster. As a group we have decided to use this as out poster, have the boy on the front Dick and the background is going to be bright orange. 
 This is a rough mock up done by Ed in our group. This is very close to the finished product and is what we wanted, this was a great help while making decisions on the final poster.

Poster: Research

While researching the genre of our film we had to look at what that entailed for the other elements of the film. Such as the poster. The best poster we found was 'The 40 year-old virgin'. This is a very simple post with just the character on it. And from this the audience make their own assumptions about what the film is about and who the character will be in the film and what will he be like.

Locations:Dicks house and bedroom

These are pictures we were planning on using. We didn't use the room that we planned to shoot in on the top picture. But we did use the house from the bottom picture.

Character: Research

This is just part of character research we did. These two characters are from different TV shows, on the left is from 'Skins' and the right is from  'The Inbetweeners'. These two TV shows are very widely known by our audience and have the same type of character as we want. This is important because if the audience notice this type of character in other shows or films as well as ours, they will be familiar with what we are trying to create.

Character: Detailed information about the character of Dick

This is a detailed plan of the character of Dick that we did as a group. This was very easily created on Celtx and has all of the information we need to know about our character. This is the result of character research that we did.